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Safety: Emergency Contacts and Medical Issues

SafetyNobody likes to think about what bad could happen while you are on your RV trip. You think that surely everything will be just fine, but then you slip on the stairs and break your tailbone or ankle, etc. Are you prepared with proper medical insurance and emergency contacts if something like this were to happen to you?

You need to always have contact with someone while you are the road. Today, too many people are disappearing without a trace and all because they didn't tell anybody where they were traveling. Keep in contact with your friends and family and by all means have a cell phone. Cell phones will work regardless of whether or not they are on a plan or activated. 911 will work on any cell phone.

If you are on any prescription medications, you will want to have a back-up supply of them in your first aid kit. There are several online drug companies that are convenient for RVers. Alert your doctor to your change in lifestyle and explain to him that you will be on the road. Many doctors will call or fax your prescription into an online drug company for you. The drug company will then ship your medications to wherever you tell them you are located. You will want to either plan where you will be a few days in advance or alert your campground that you will be receiving a package. Most medications and even contacts will have to be signed for when they are delivered. You will also want to insure that you have medical documents in your RV should you be in an accident. You may also choose to wear a bracelet with your allergies on it, just in case.

You will also need to check with your insurance and see if there are any restrictions on your care while traveling. There are HMO plans that will have strict limits on your care. Most full-time RVers have insurance through a former employer; if you do not then insurance will be a major expense for you. Many full-timers also carry complete medical records with them. They take them to any doctor that they see while they are on the road. They also send copies to their doctor in their home location or home base. This allows their doctor to keep up-to-date on their health situation. PPO insurance will allow you to use anyone in their network. You will want to have a list of available doctors in your area or call your insurance company when you need to go to the doctor. Using a PPO doctor or hospital will insure that you are covered by your insurance.

You will also want to have a list of emergency contacts in your RV. These contacts are mainly for the 911 paramedics or doctors that will care for you should you have an accident and not be able to communicate. These numbers will allow the doctors to contact your family and let them know of your situation. You may also want to take a first aid and CPR class before you leave. This will insure that you will no what to do should your spouse or partner have a heart attack while you are traveling. They will also tell you what to do if they are behind the wheel of your RV when it occurs.

You will also want to have a first aid kit on your RV. It is best if you keep your first aid kit in the outside compartment should you not be able to get inside for some reason. Many people include an extra cell phone for dialing 911 only. The phone does not have to be activated to work. You will also want to have a flashlight and extra fire extinguisher with the first aid kit. You typical first aid kit should include:
- Band-Aids of all sizes and shapes
- Painkillers
- Triple antibiotic creams
- Alcohol pads- Gauze
- Ace-bandage
- Indigestion medicine
- Snake bite kit
- Cotton swabs
- Eye Wash
- Eye Pads
- Ice bag
- Povidone Iodine preps
- Scissors
- Tweezers
- Plastic gloves
- Burn wrap
- CPR mask
- Face Mask

First aid kits can be purchased in kits that are already filled. You will then only have to refill the kit as you use it. You will also want to check expiration dates on medicine regularly to insure that they are not old.

You are better safe than sorry by preparing ahead of time for medical emergencies. Senior citizens should check their insurance coverage carefully and be sure that they will be able to receive any prescription medication on the road and preferably in bulk amounts. Being prepared may be the difference between life and death.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you are a business owner get listed at Best Travel Site, part of Localwin Network.
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